Importance of Blogs in Boosting Your SEO Ranking

Blogs are very important because they allow consumers to find you based on the value-adds that you are providing. Giving a hint of what kind of insight you offer will hook the client and incentivize them to learn more.

Providing Value

What makes readers stay to actually read your blog? Value. You can provide value in many forms - educational content, videos, downloadable content, links to resources, etc. Give your readers a nugget of gold that makes them want to know more. You are the expert, so give them enough information to incentivize them to reach out and create that relationship.


Google isn’t a magic machine. Google pulls from keywords and excerpts of texts that align with the consumer’s search. Let’s say you are writing a blog to discuss the important of digital marketing, but you never use those words or really anything concrete to describe your content. This puts you at a serious disadvantage when consumers are trying to find your content because Google won’t know to show your blog. There are tons of ways to find out what keywords consumers are searching for to include in your blogs. Let’s chat to discuss more.

AI-Generated Content

As much as we all love the ease and power that AI provides, it is crucial that your content is unique to your and your business. AI chat models, especially free versions, pull their knowledge base from content that already exists across the internet. That means that if you try to use AI to write your blog for you it is more likely to rank worse than unique, content-rich blogs. That does not mean you can’t use AI, however. Just make sure to edit and put things in your own voice including your valuable expertise. Also, always double check facts to make sure info is up to date if necessary.

In Summation

At the end of the day it is important not to stress about your blogs. They are a great way to get content out on your website and drive traffic, but you don’t have to be perfect. Book a consultation today to discuss how blogs could help your business!


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